Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Canada's-house-speaker-steps-down-after-inviting-nazi-veteran-into parliament

From Colonial times right up to the present, that has always been a, KEEP THEM OUT mentality in Canada. The WW2 era of Germany was partly about creating a continent for only the "best" White people. Japan during the WW2 era also wanted to be at the top of the Asian power structure.

The British Colonial System as well as other European Colonial Systems were all about the mother country being at the top & all the non-whites had a lower standing. 

Even if Canada had 80 million people by the summer of 2023, that would only 1% of the worlds 8 billion people. It was tough enough for Canada to just reach 40 million in 2023.

Canada should be attracting a lot of wealthy people from around the world, but most of the world is non-white & some people might get jealous. Perhaps if Canada were to say that by continuing to contain only a very small amount of the worlds population, that's good for the environment. Then more people around the world might challenge such a ridiculous notion. So many other countries have much less land, yet have a lot more people & infrastructure than Canada.