Saturday, April 6, 2024

The SkyTrain - Canada Line in Richmond to close early for seven weeks due to construction

An entire section of the line has to close early, due to a new station being added. If or whenever all the stations are lengthened, the entire system might have to close early. 

Fortunately, all the underground stations in Toronto & Montreal & even Edmonton, were built to be much longer, in the first place. Fortunately, any new underground C-Train stations in Calgary won't be Vancouverized. They will be as long as any underground LRT station in Edmonton.

The biggest mistake for the Skytrain was not building 152 m or 500 ft long stations. Then as longer trains are required, the longer stations would already exist.

The 3rd line or the Canada+Line, is such a fine example of BC congestive planning. Why bother to have long big city trains?

Aparenty, short trains help to match the many narrow bridges in BC. Of course narrow bridges make it tougher to have bus & HOV lanes. 

"The five busiest stations have platforms 50 metres (160 ft) long, while the rest of the stations have 40-metre (130 ft) platforms that can be easily extended to 50 metres."

Greater_Vancouver has been stunted or thwarted for several decades, in so many ways.