Thursday, April 25, 2024

VIA West57 in NYC

At only 450 feet, it's just another stump of a building in NYC, but it's a very nice looking building. Of course for most of Vancouver's history & BC in general, no building was allowed to be built taller than it, until recent years. 

Even the Harbour_Centre wasn't allowed to be that much taller than the 481 foot Pyramid in Cairo.

"It originally stood about 482 feet (147 meters) tall, but erosion and the removal of most of the polished limestone casing stones—which made the structure smooth and caused it to gleam in the sunlight—have lowered the pyramid’s height to 449 feet (137 meters)."

"Initially standing at 146.6 metres (481 feet), the Great Pyramid was the world's tallest human-made structure for more than 3,800 years. Over time, most of the smooth white limestone casing was removed, which lowered the pyramid's height to the current 138.5 metres (454.4 ft)..."