Friday, May 31, 2024

BC unveils-240-language-racism-reporting-helpline Too little too late?

So many restrictions were imposed in Vancouver (V-BC) during the 1960s & 70s, then also during the 1980s & 90s. This was a time in which there was still mostly White people imposing so many of the overlapping restrictions. Indeed, for most of Vancouver's history, there was a, keep it White & small mentality. That's because if enough key people could stunt & thwart the growth of Vancouver, the same would happen for BC in general. 

It is important to note that a slow growth initiative isn't necessarily of a racist nature. However, since most of the people on the planet are non-white, anything to slow down the growth of Vancouver, also slows down the growth of BC. Just look at Alberta & Washington State to see how much larger Seattle, Calgary & Edmonton have become.  

Of course over the past few decades, BC started to become more diversified. However, many of the restrictions from the days of the mostly White councils & governments, remain. There has been a multigenerational reluctance to build proper size infrastructure in BC, because that means building for non white people. It's an unfortunate & terrible echo from the old colonial days.  

Now that BC has had several years of growing diversity, there is still another agenda that could slow down the growth of Greater Vancouver & BC at large. Environmental restrictions could be used to hold BC & Canada back. It could be a clever way to continue the, KEEP THEM OUT agenda going. BC doesn't even have the population of 1 Switzerland. Canada is nowhere near containing even just 1% of the world's population. 

If Canada were to officially say that it's good to keep out most of the world, because it's good for the environment, there would be several challenges. How can so many countries with a smaller land area contain more people? Even if Canada had a dozen cities between the size of Montreal & Toronto, there would still be vast undeveloped areas.

Even if BC planned & properly built up half a dozen big cities, there would still be so much wilderness left. 

Why "Nobody" Lives In The VAST MAJORITY Of British Columbia

Certainly the housing shortage & the lack of building up a good level of infrastructure, has called for a reduction of immigration. While that might work for a while, at some point Canada might have to explain why its not even able to contain 1% of the world's population? Of course most of humanity happens to be non white, but that's not suppose to be an issue these days. 

Hot Singapore & dry Dubai have been able to build up big & tall, because they aren't bound by Canadian & especially, BC type restrictions. Those cities and many more, would collapse if they were somehow Vancouverized. Short trains, narrow bridges & stumpy buildings, would tremendously impede those modern, dynamic cities. 

Of course Mumbai & Lagos are HUGE 3rd world cities with major transportation issues. Yet, they have the Third_Mainland_Bridge & the Mumbai_Trans_Harbour_Link

Indeed, most real cities couldn't properly function with so much crammed into the 3 lane joke that is the Lions_Gate_Dridge. Bus & train tunnels should have been built there decades ago. Hower, the inept Lions-Gate-Bridge has become an enduring symbol of the reluctance of Vancouver & BC to properly plan & build for the future. Even a new or improved Iron_Bridge wont be enough. Most cities around the world refuse to become  Vancouverized. Especially a modern place like Singapore, a big city in a small area. 

Switzerland is about a 23rd of the size of BC. Yet, BC doesn't even have the population of one Switzerland.

An immigration plan to attract the more wealthy people can really help to build wealth for a nation. Provided that the infrastructure is properly upgraded. Too many refugees can be a strain on a nation, thats why its imperative to mostly attract the more well off people. Unfortunately, a non-white wealthy person in Canada might cause some jealousy. So at one end of the spectrum are the wealthy immigrants & the refugees at the other. There is a middle area of migrants with general skills that can also expand the economy, but again, some people might become jealous of them.

At the end of the day, Canada still has hardly any of the worlds population & someone seems to like that.