Monday, December 30, 2024

BC Stumps

 There are a lot of stumpy towers around the world that would actually be among the tallest buildings in Vancouver, BC. The Scotia_Tower was never the tallest in Vancouver, but it's been a prominent building on the skyline since 1977. 34F 138m/452' The windows only go up to 34, then there are 2 windowless floors above that. In contrast, the Scotia_Plaza is double the height & twice the width. That's because such tall buildings in Toronto don't have to be watered down to Vancouver standards. 

Seattle, WA 38F 141m/462" ,

Calgary, Alberta 39F 147m/481'

Perth, WA 33F 140m/459' ,

Dubai , , , , It would be stupid & pointless if the towers of Dubai had to be watered down to Vancouver standards.

Bank Bumi Daya Plaza 32 floors , 143 m/469 ft , ,