It remains to be seen if slow moving B.C. & Canada will eventually allow the Port_of_Vancouver to be on the same grand scale of what Brisbane and Singapore have allowed.
Whether, its Delta, Surrey, Richmond, NW, Burnaby, it's all part of the Greater Vancouver_Port_facilities.
If the expansion went sideways, but not further west into Georgia Straight, the area is still limited. However, if the expansion were to go a little further west into Georgia Straight, then their might be more of an argument against it.
The Port_of_Brisbane wouldn't be as big & mighty if it was bound by anything similar to the way how Canada builds its seaports. , , ,
The Port_of_Singapore is so far away from the way of how Canada builds its ports.
Brisbane and Singapore are on the same ocean as the BC part of Canada. Unfortunatly, Canada doesn't seem to want to have the same port scale & presence as those 2 Pacific ports. Being from backwards Vancouver, it's hard to fathom what Brisbane and Singapore have been able to do. Then again, they don't have to contend with the backwater BC mentality and its imposed restrictions.
Since Asia is the most populated part of the planet and BC is on the edge of the Pacific Rim, there should be plans to eventually have a BC port on the scale of the Port_of_Rotterdam. Or, the Port_of_Los_Angeles and the Port_of_Long_Beach, but with better coordinated efficiency. Canada needs to expand its trading with more countries.
Despite its overall area, Canada is far from housing even 1% of the world's population. Australia even has less people, but somehow they don't seem to have their own version of KEEP CANADA SMALL. & Queensland