Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Park board votes to request 50-metre pool at Vancouver Aquatic Centre

Amended motion came after dozens of people spoke out against a redesign plan that would cut the pool in half

This horrible multigenerational half-size Vancouver and BC mentality is so firmly entrenched. At least if a half-size Vancouver Aquatic Centre, like the half-size Canada+Line, was designed to eventually become a proper big city facility, that's one thing. However, certain people just wanted to have a half-size Vancouver Aquatic Centre, just like a half-size Canada Line. Indeed, the objective was to have infrastructure deliberately designed to just be another Half-A$$ED small-scale backwater BC joke.

Let it fall-apart like the crappy & inadequate Pattullo+Bridge, then just build a half-size joke. It's all part of the mentality to not want more people living in BC, which is almost 2 dozen times larger than Switzerland.

Fortunately, enough people believe in a growing Vancouver & BC, so the new Vancouver+Aquatic+Centre will be a proper big city infrastructure redevelopment. While the argument to just build a half-size facility to save money might make sense to some people, unless it was designed to eventually be brought up to a full-size standard, it's a sad joke.

The Burrard+Street+Bridge (BSB) was originally planned to have a permanent 6 lane upper deck & 2 streetcar tracks on a lower deck. Unfortunatly, the BSB was Vancouverized to become scaled back & remain incomplete. Had there been a nice & wide bike-bridge built next to it, then the BSB could have still had a 6 lane deck. Then there could have been either 2 bus lanes or 2 HOV lanes. Unfortunatly, everything is funneled into just another 4 lane BC bridge. 

Since backwards Vancouver wants to be one of the last major cities to bring back streetcars & tram-trains, there has been a mutigenerational lack of interest in completing the lower streetcar deck.