Saturday, July 27, 2024

North Shore-Metrotown SkyTrain would see 120,000 riders daily

Since the planned North_Shore train won't be running 24 hours a day, there should be at least 1 bus & 1 HOV lane for each direction. There should also be 2 truck lanes & at least 2 wide emergency lanes. Unfortunately, the Ironworkers-Memorial-Bridge-replacement-concept only depicts 3 general lanes each way, plus only 2 extra lanes that could become a bus & HOV lane. The shoulders don't look like they will be as wide as a regular lane, but still might barely function as an emergency lane for fire-trucks, etc. There also doesn't look like any provision for a bike & foot path for both sides of the bridge. 

Thus, once again, it's a narrow-minded Vancouver & especially a backward BC bridge, being designed to be narrower than what it should be.