Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Senakw's first rental housing towers begin to take shape

The tallest buildings in this Vancouver development should have been taller than the tallest building in NW. 

178 m / 584 ft

Senakw should have had at least 2 or 3 towers much taller than the Living_Shangri-La, the tallest in Vancouver. Something like the Crown_Sydney scale is banned in Vancouver, but it's OK for big city Sydney & SF.

Tip271.3 metres (890 ft)
Observatory250 metres (820 feet) Most of BC is a backwater wildernes that is unapealling for people, but great for wildlife & vegetation. 

The plan was to continually thwart Vancouver, Victoria & Kelowna for as long as possible. That in turn slows down the few key areas of urban grown in BC. NSW & California, just never had the same, KEEP THEM OUT MENTALITY. Thus, they were able to think & properly plan for growth.

Sydney, NSW & SF, California just were never under the extreme restrictions that Vancouver has. Plus, Syd & SF haven't been under a multigenerational agenda to keep holding those scenic cities back. 

Sydney and SF aren't afraid to build taller next to a bridge, like Vancouver is.

"The taller tower, One Rincon Hill South Tower, was completed in 2008 and stands 60 stories and 641 feet (195 m) tall.[A][B] The shorter tower, marketed as Tower Two at One Rincon Hill, was completed in 2014 and reaches a height of 541 feet (165 m) with 50 stories.",_approved_and_proposed This is what you are able to do when you aren't bound by the limiting mentality & backward agenda that Vancouver has. For some reason, Vancouver hasn't been able to get established big cities to emulate its congestive & inept planning standards. That's because most major cities want to plan & implement good transportation infrastructure.

Fortunately, Sydney & SF never wanted to take the backwater Vancouver approach to things.

Canada is far off from even containing 1% of the world's human population & BC has yet to have the population of 1 Switzerland. Proper infrastructure planning like in Japan & S. Korea, the UK, CH & Germany, has already been able to accommodate more people. However, most of the world is non-white & some parts of Canada still want to hold onto the old British Colonial mentality for as long as possible.