Thursday, March 6, 2025

Future of London Drugs at Woodward's uncertain due to crime area

The old Woodward's_Building used to be in the old part of downtown. Then by the time of its redevelopment, the area was starting to decline.'s_Building#Redevelopment

Without an adequate amount of police patrols & security, a business area can easily decline. A lot of the crime & poverty is as a result of various socio-economic issues.

No building in strict Vancouver is allowed to be as tall as the new Hudson's_in_Detroit. Short and stumpy Vancouver buildings just can't attain the same scale of a Hudson's_Site.

The tallest part of the new Woodward's complex wasn't even allowed to be as tall as the old Hudson's in Detroit. That's because unlike Detroit, almost everything in Vancouver is watered down in scale.

Detroit has had a rough & tough reputation for generations, yet its been able to gradually recover from its economic slide. 

Of course the QLine streetcar in Detroit was up & running long before Vancouver might ever get around to reviving part of its streetcar network. Backwards Vancouver just might become one of the last cities to revive parts of its streetcar system.
