Saturday, September 14, 2024

Construction for Oakridge-41st Ave Station Upgrades Starts Sept. 16th

The stations still could have started out as a 2-3 car train joke, apparently for cost cutting measures. However, the stations should have been constructed in such a way that they could eventually accomodate 8-10 car trains. Sadly once again, the joke is on short sighted Vancouver for promoting inept transportation planning. Even with budget cuts, at least 3 levels of government should have been able to realize that someday, this line could become a high capacity connector between the Horseshoe_Bay_ferry_terminal, the airport & the Tsawwassen_ferry_terminal.

Unfortunately, that damn symbolism got in the way again. A short & inept train is better for congested Vancouver than an 8-10 car train. This is the result of the multigenerational congestive planning agenda. Building big is symbolic of planning for proper growth, but some backwater mindset folks don't want anything symbolic of a real metropolis in backward BC.